TESTO 830-T4
Infrared Thermometer
Testo is a fast, universally applicable infrared thermometer for non-contact measurement of surface temperatures. Supplied complete with external contact probe.
Testo is a fast, universally applicable infrared thermometer for non-contact measurement of surface temperatures. Supplied complete with external contact probe.
Duragraf a développé une nouvelle étiquette à appliquer dans le moule: s’appelle VOLT. Il s'agit d'une étiquette à appliquer dans le moule qui laisse moins de résidus adhésifs sur le moule et sur la pièce finie. Facile à appliquer.
RotoFlow® WB SF est un concentré à base d'eau qui s'applique sur le moule pour faciliter le flux des polyoléfines et du nylon dans les zones du moule rotatif difficiles à remplir lors du processus de rotation.
RotoFlow® WB SF empêche la formation de vides autour des inserts, des rayons étroits, des filetages et dans les cavités.
Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.
RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.
Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.
RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.
Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.
RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.
Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.
RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.
Duragraf ha sviluppato una nuova decal in-mould chiamata VOLT. Lascia meno residui di adesivo sullo stampo e sul pezzo finito. Facile da applicare.
RotoFlow® WB SF è un concentrato a base acqua che si applica sullo stampo per facilitare lo scorrimento di poliolefine e nylon nelle aree difficili da riempire nel processo rotazionale.
RotoFlow® WB SF aiuta a riempire i vuoti intorno agli inserti, raggi stretti, filettature e nelle cavità.