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Heat Pipes

Heat pipes specialists

Heat pipes

Are you tired of seeing poorly formed parts causing higher scrap rates? Are you tired of managing air movers on your tools to get the heat where you need it to form parts properly? Would you like to be able to use the same tool without rebuilding it and at last be able to produce the part as you designed it?

Heat pipes are what you need: they allow you to drive heat into recessed areas of the mould to fully form the part.
These thermal conductors are extremely efficient and relatively simple to install on the tool.


HEAT PIPES for rotational moulding
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Essayez nos nouveaux produits

NOUVEAUTE: essayez les nouvelles étiquettes VOLT! >>> Duragraf

Duragraf a développé une nouvelle étiquette à appliquer dans le moule: s’appelle VOLT. Il s'agit d'une étiquette à appliquer dans le moule qui laisse moins de résidus adhésifs sur le moule et sur la pièce finie. Facile à appliquer.

RotoFlow® WB SF >>> Stoner

RotoFlow® WB SF est un concentré à base d'eau qui s'applique sur le moule pour faciliter le flux des polyoléfines et du nylon dans les zones du moule rotatif difficiles à remplir lors du processus de rotation.
RotoFlow® WB SF empêche la formation de vides autour des inserts, des rayons étroits, des filetages et dans les cavités.

Flash-It Flash trimmers Y, Flash-It mould opener O and Flash-It flange cleaner G >>> Flash Trimmer

Try our new products

NEW graphic: try the new VOLT! >>> Duragraf

Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.

RotoFlow® WB SF >>> Stoner

RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.


Flash-It Flash trimmers Y, Flash-It mould opener O and Flash-It flange cleaner G >>> Flash trimmers

Try our new products

NEW graphic: try the new VOLT! >>> Duragraf

Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.

RotoFlow® WB SF >>> Stoner

RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.


Flash-It Flash trimmers Y, Flash-It mould opener O and Flash-It flange cleaner G >>> Flash trimmers

Try our new products

NEW graphic: try the new VOLT! >>> Duragraf

Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.

RotoFlow® WB SF >>> Stoner

RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.


Flash-It Flash trimmers Y, Flash-It mould opener O and Flash-It flange cleaner G >>> Flash trimmers

Try our new products

NEW graphic: try the new VOLT! >>> Duragraf

Duragraf has developed a new in-mould graphic called VOLT. It is a mould in graphic that leaves less adhesive residue on the mould and on the finished part. Easy to apply.

RotoFlow® WB SF >>> Stoner

RotoFlow® WB SF is a concentrated water-based mould coating that facilitates the flow of polyolefin and nylon resin into hard-to-fill areas of rotational moulds.
RotoFlow® WB SF helps fill in voids around inserts, tight radii, threads, and deep cavities.


Flash-It Flash trimmers Y, Flash-It mould opener O and Flash-It flange cleaner G >>> Flash trimmers

Prova i nostri nuovi prodotti

NOVITÀ: prova le nuove Volt! >>> Duragraf

Duragraf ha sviluppato una nuova decal in-mould chiamata VOLT. Lascia meno residui di adesivo sullo stampo e sul pezzo finito. Facile da applicare.

RotoFlow® WB SF >>> Stoner

RotoFlow® WB SF è un concentrato a base acqua che si applica sullo stampo per facilitare lo scorrimento di poliolefine e nylon nelle aree difficili da riempire nel processo rotazionale.
RotoFlow® WB SF aiuta a riempire i vuoti intorno agli inserti, raggi stretti, filettature e nelle cavità.

Sbavatori Flash-It Y, Apri stampo Flash-It O e Pulisci flange Flash-It G >>> Sbavatori